Drilling To Re-Start At The Gold Drop Property
VANCOUVER, BC - GGX Gold Corp. will resume drilling at its Gold Drop property in the Greenwood Mining Camp. After taking a field break, the drill and geological crews are returning to the Company’s operations base in Greenwood, B.C. to resume drilling activity on the Gold Drop property. Drilling will resume initially at the C.O.D. North vein, where sample results obtained late last year ranged up to 21.7 grams per tonne gold over 0.4 meters.
Drilling will then be directed to the area of a new-technology geophysical target identified by Stargate II, an enhanced, deep-penetrating ultra-sonic AMT (Audio-Magnetotellurics) geophysical survey conducted by Earth Science Services Corporation of Oshawa, Ontario. The new geophysical anomaly on the Gold Drop property is centered at the intersection of three interpreted major fault-conduit structural lineaments, two of which are coincident with known structures: C.O.D. vein system and a cross-fault. Geometrically, the anomaly measures 1834 by 1377 meters (see figure below) and is interpreted as a pipe-like structure that tops out at about 360 meters, requiring drilling to a depth of at least 400 and up to 764 meters. This will be the deepest ever to be drilled on the Gold Drop property.